Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024) Action Movie Filmy4Web

The movie Bad Boys: Ride or Die, directed by Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah, was released on 5 Jun 2024. It offers an engaging mix of Action, Thriller, Comedy, starring talented actors like Alexander Ludwig, Will Smith, Vanessa Hudgens, Martin Lawrence.

With a budget of 840+ Crores, Bad Boys: Ride or Die was produced by Westbrook, Columbia Pictures. Will Smith plays the role of Mike Lowrey, delivering a memorable performance in this Comedy, Adventure, Crime film.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die Movie Filmy4Web

Movie Title: Bad Boys: Ride or Die
Release Date: 5 Jun 2024
Runtime: 1h 55m
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Adventure, Crime
Director: Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah
Main Cast: Will Smith, Vanessa Hudgens, Martin Lawrence
Rating: 7.465/10+ Stars

Audiences have especially loved Will Smith as Mike Lowrey, supported by a cast including Jenna Kanell, Levy Tran. The seamless editing by Asaf Eisenberg, Dan Lebental enhances the storytelling, making it a must-watch in English.

Actor List

Cast Character
Tasha Smith Theresa
Martin Lawrence Marcus Burnett
Jacob Scipio Armando
Melanie Liburd Christine
Alexander Ludwig Dorn
Paola Nuñez Rita
Vanessa Hudgens Kelly
Ioan Gruffudd Lockwood
Will Smith Mike Lowrey
Eric Dane McGrath


Bad Boys: Ride or DieBad Boys: Ride or DieBad Boys: Ride or DieBad Boys: Ride or DieBad Boys: Ride or Die

Quick Overview

Bad Boys: Ride or Die has earned an impressive 7.465/10+ Stars from viewers, reflecting its appeal across audiences. With a popularity score of 369.426 and 2522 votes, it stands out as a top pick for fans of Comedy, Adventure, Crime.

Critics have praised the production quality, thanks to Chad Oman, Doug Belgrad, and the gripping performances by Alexander, Paola, Vanessa, Will, Martin. Released in Released, the movie continues to grow in popularity with audiences globally.


The film stars an ensemble cast including Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Alexander Ludwig, Paola Nuñez, Vanessa Hudgens, with special mention to Will Smith for their portrayal of Mike Lowrey. Directed by Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah and produced by Chad Oman, Doug Belgrad, every crew member has contributed to its success.

The screenplay by Unknown and editing by Asaf Eisenberg, Dan Lebental ensure a polished final product. With a runtime of 1 hour 55 minutes, Bad Boys: Ride or Die is a cinematic experience not to miss.

About the Movie

Bad Boys: Ride or Die was released on 5 Jun 2024 and directed by Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah. The movie features popular stars like Alexander Ludwig, Will Smith, Vanessa Hudgens, Martin Lawrence and falls under the Action, Thriller, Comedy category.

Made on a budget of 840+ Crores, the movie has a runtime of 1h 55m and is produced by Westbrook, Columbia Pictures. It has gained a popularity score of 369.426 and has been rated 7.465/10 by viewers.


What genres does Bad Boys: Ride or Die belong to?

It belongs to genres like Action, Thriller, Comedy.

What is the budget of Bad Boys: Ride or Die?

They made it on a budget of around 840+ Crores.

Who are the key actors in Bad Boys: Ride or Die?

The main actors include Will Smith, Vanessa Hudgens, Martin Lawrence, who play important roles.

Who directed Bad Boys: Ride or Die?

Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah worked on directing this film.